Online library services
Online Library Services are defined as the facilities provided by a library for the use of internet in order to meet the users’ requirement. In library online services we provide services such as open access, other library links, free online books , Research for life ,E-learning, OPAC and online classification .Open Access
journals are scholarly journals that are available online to the reader "without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself." They remove price barriers (e.g. subscription, licensing fees, pay-per-view fees) and most permission barriers (e.g. copyright and licensing restrictions). While open access journals are freely available to the reader, there are still costs associated with the publication and production of such journals. Some are subsidized, and some require payment on behalf of the author. Some open access journals are subsidized and are financed by an academic institution, learned society or a government information center. Others are financed by payment of article processing charges by submitting authors, money typically made available to researchers by their institution or funding agency. Below are the links of some of the open accsess which available free.
International African Institute(IAI):African Digital Research Repositories | Open Access publication | Maktaba Tetea | Research 4 Life | Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) | Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) | British Library Document Delivery Service | Directory of Open Access Repositories (DOAR) | Save the Children Resource Center | World Bank: African Development Indicators | Social Science Research Network | Google Scholar | Google Books | Free Documents| Emeraldinsight for different subject journals| Free Presentations | Free Full PDF| Edward Elgar | Asia Journals Online| Bioline International| Research gate Publications| Information | Nepal Journals Online | HireWire Press | Open Book Publisher | Bookszz | Download free eBooks at | Free e- books | Text books Revolution | Free Text books | Download Free Ebooks in PDF, ePub & Kindle from Obooko | National Academies Press | Read any book. ( site for literature books) | Book Rix| Page by Page (site for Fictions)| Bangladesh Journals online | Academic Journals | African Journals Archive | African Journal Online (AJOL) | Oxford University Press| Directory of Open Access Repository | Tanzania online: A Gateway to Information on Development Issues in Tanzania | Scientific directory | Open Science Directory | International Records Management TrustE-learning
E-Learning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. There is a lot of E-learning system such as E-learning system for secondary school This system allow users to access science subjects such as Physic, Chemistry ,Mathematics and Biology ,users can create account that allow them to interact the system .the system provides services like reading a notes in the form of text ,images ,simulation and video also able to perform examination quiz and obtained your result automatically with correction .click the link below to access the system
- Tanzania Institute of Education(TIE)
- E-Learning System for Secondary Schools
- Shule direct
- Mwalimu wa kiswahili
- Shule yetu
- Msomi bora
- Darasa letu
- School PVH
Online Classification
Classification schemes are used to provide a systematic arrangement of materials. The classification numbers applied to books and other materials are used to arrange items on shelves and to support browsing, filtering and retrieval of bibliographic information in online systems. The Classify prototype is designed to help users apply classification numbers. Classify provides a user interface and a machine service for assigning classification numbers and subject headings. The database is searchable by many of the standard numbers associated with books, magazines, journals, and music and video recordings.These numbers include:
- ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
- ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
- UPC (Universal Product Code).
Research4Life is the collective name for the five programmes which provides developing countries with free access to academic and professional peer – reviewes content online.
- AGORA – Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture
- Hinari – Access to Research in Health Programme
- OARE – Access to Research in the Environment
- ARDI – Research for Innovation
- GOALI – Global Online Access to Legal Information
Other Library Links